Saturday, March 7, 2009

Macau Experience

Much have been said about this great asian destination, the new Vegas of Asia, the city of great lights, a place much talked about in many magazines as a "must see" hub for tourists.

We booked through Philippine Airlines. Hongkong as our entry point. Macau is just an hour away from Hongkong via ferry boat. The ride was so comfortable since you get to choose what ferry you would like to take. From first class to economy class, you just have to choose. Of course, nothing less for my wife and daughter, we opted for the best. The port was just on the second floor of our hotel, Royal Pacific Hotel in Hongkong. By the way, you can choose if you prefer to travel to Macau via two ports in HK, either in the kowloon or hongkong side. It would all depend which side of Hongkong you're in.

After a little trouble with my wife's passport as it was strictly scrutinized by the HK immigration, we finally boarded the ferry. 1 hour travel and we were there.

Our guide picked us up from the ferry terminal in Macau and she took us to our first destination, the Macau Tower. There, you get to see the entire Macau. It was designed by the same person who designed the CN tower in Canada. At the top floor was a glass flooring. It was a shaking experience at first (i have a fear of heights) but then seeing my wife and daughter enjoying the glass-bottom walk made me feel comfortable as well. Among the activities that you can try doing at Macau Tower are bungee jumping and skywalking.

From Macau Tower, we went to the St. Paul ruins, Macau's great heritage and a little walk took us to the Senado Square. There were different shops in senado square like giordano and bossini among others. These two shops will really give you value for your money. Don't leave the place without spending some of your pocket money in these shops.

Luch time: Our guide took us to a seefood resto where we also had a taste of authentic Macau delicacy.

Then we went to A-ma Temple where we did a little shopping of Macau's famous egg tart. After visitting all these sights, we were given time to do more shopping.

And so our Macau Day trip came to conclusion. We went back to the port to catch the 6pm boat trip back to Hongkong.

As usual, it was another great experience for me and my family. By the way, we went back to Macau and as expected, we enjoyed it just like our first trip.

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